Te Tiriti
and Co-Governance

Heritage and Te Tiriti
In this St Luke's Zoom talk, Pania Newton and Nicola Short give a talk about heritage and Te Tiriti and what we can learn from the campaign to protect Ihumātao.
The talk is followed by a short Q&A session.
Pania Newton (Ngāpuhi, Waikato, Ngāti Mahuta and Ngāti Maniapoto) is a co-founder and spokesperson for the SOUL/#ProtectIhumātao campaign. She is a law and health sciences graduate of the University of Auckland, a recipient or nominee of many leadership awards, and a contributor to the Mātike Mai Aotearoa constitutional transformation initiative. She is a 2022 Atlantic Fellow (University of Melbourne) and an Associate Investigator on a Royal Society-funded Marsden Grant titled, Matike Mai Te Hiaroa: #ProtectIhumātao.
Nicola Short (Pākehā) is a Heritage Consultant and Lecturer at the Department of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland. She is the Deputy Chair of the Heritage Advisory Panel for Auckland Council and the New Zealand Voting member for the UN International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes (ISCCL). She is currently completing a PhD examining heritage law and planning funded through the Royal Society Marsden Grant Matike Mai Te Hiaroa: #ProtectIhumātao. Follow @heritagenzfutures.
Co-governance and Equity in the Healthcare System
In this Zoom talk by Pat Snedden and Tama Davis (Chair and Co-Chair of Auckland District Health Board) talk about the practical aspects of promoting equity in the Health System.
One of the points that was raised in the Q&A session after the talk was that people who struggle with the concept of co-governance perhaps fail to see the difference between equity and equality. Here is a useful article that explains the difference between the two.